DCAD21 Call For Presentations

We are calling for presentations from postgraduate researchers in the following formats:   

  • Poster  
  • PechaKucha (20 seconds/20 slides + questions) 
  • Traditional oral presentation (10 minutes + questions) 

As part of the application you will be asked which of the Coventry University research themes your research aligns with: 

If you are unsure which research theme your research fits with please contact recap@coventry.ac.uk for advice. 

Before entering your submission, please use the Submission Checklist to ensure you have included all of the required information.  

Late submission abstract deadline for oral presentations, PechaKucha & poster presentations is Monday 24th February, 23.59 

Key points to consider in your title, abstract and presentation 

All titles, abstracts and presentations must be suitable for a non-specialist audience – an group of intelligent people that want to be engaged by your presentation but not baffled by technical language and detail. 

Be aware that when it comes to your research you suffer from ‘the Curse of Knowledge’. The Curse of Knowledge means that the more familiar you are with something, the harder it is to put yourself in the shoes of someone who’s not familiar with that thing. 

Try to think from the perspective of someone who’s encountering your research for the first time. What information do they need to know in order to understand your offering? 

  • Use plain language and everyday words. 
  • Keep sentences short and simple.   
  • Avoid all jargon, acronyms and abbreviations 
  • Explain any essential specialist language (and be able to justify why it’s essential). 
  • Focus on the relevance, application, benefits. The ‘so what?’ factor. Why is the work important?  
  • One test of good writing is to read it aloud. If it sounds formal but still natural, you have probably got the style and tone right. 
  • Ask a non-specialist to check that your title, abstract and presentation can be clearly understood. 

Poster presentation 

Presenting a poster is recommended particularly to those PGRs in their first phase, however all PGRs are welcome to present.  

The poster session, like the rest of the conference, will be in an online format. Some poster presenters will also be selected to give a two minute ‘poster pitch’ in a presentation session. 

Posters must be: A1 (59.4 x 84.1cm) and portrait orientation.  

Late Submission deadline: Monday 24th February, 23.59 

PechaKucha (20/20) presentation   

PechaKucha is the Japanese word for ‘Chit-Chat’. This presentation style was created in Japan in the early 2000s as an alternative to traditional presentations.  PechaKucha allows 20 presentation slides with 20 seconds to talk about each slide (total presentation length 6 minutes and 40 seconds). PechaKucha is a great way for you to condense your research, it’s also a lot of fun. 

PechaKucha presentations are recommended to PGRs at all stages, who want to showcase a particular element of their research, i.e their proposal, their initial results, the methodology they are using etc.   

As timing is tight, we recommend that you use your presentation to supply a high-level overview of your research, suitable for a non-specialist audience, or use the time to highlight a particular element of your research. 

For more information and key tips, please follow this link to a great blog with a few PechaKucha examples:  


Late Submission deadline: Monday 24th February, 23.59 

Traditional oral presentation   

Each day of the conference there is an opportunity to present your research in as a traditional 10 minute presentation followed by questions. These are recommended to PGRs in the second or third phase of their programme to give an overview of their research project, however all PGRs are eligible to apply to present.   

Applications are welcome from those wishing to present their research as an individual, or as a group presentation (with supervisor, collaborators or students in the same research group).

Late Submission deadline: Monday 24th February, 23.59