Research Centre Handbooks

Available here are the Postgraduate Researcher Handbooks for our individual Research Centres providing details specific to that Centre’s work.

Please note these handbooks are updated throughout the academic year, please make sure that you are always referring to the latest version. We encourage you not to download and keep a copy, but to bookmark this web page and use it for reference instead. If you have any questions about the content of the handbooks please email

CAMC PGR Handbook

Centre for Arts, Memories and Communities Postgraduate Researcher Handbook

CAWR PGR Handbook 

The Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience Postgraduate Researcher Handbook

C-DaRE PGR Handbook

The Centre for Dance Research Postgraduate Researcher Handbook

FCS PGR Handbook

The Centre for Fluid and Complex Systems Postgraduate Researchers Handbook

CGFM PGR Handbook

The Institute for Clean Growth and Future Mobility Postgraduate Researcher Handbook

CTPSR PGR Handbook

The Centre for Trust Peace and Social Relations Postgraduate Researcher Handbook
For external enquirers who would like to view this Handbook, please contact

CPC PGR Handbook

The Centre for Postdigital Cultures Postgraduate Researcher Handbook

CFCI PGR Handbook

The Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity Postgraduate Researcher Handbook

GLEA PGR Handbook

The Centre for Global Learning: Education and Attainment Postgraduate Researcher Handbook

CBiS PGR Handbook

The Centre for Business in Society Postgraduate Researcher Handbook

CSMM PGR Handbook

Centre for Computational Science & Mathematical Modelling Postgraduate Researcher Handbook

PASES PGR Handbook

Centre for Physical Activity, Sports and Exercise Sciences Handbook

CIH PGR Handbook

Centre for Intelligent Healthcare Handbook

CHLS PGR Handbook

Centre for Health and Life Sciences Handbook

CHC PGR Handbook

Centre for Healthcare and Communities Handbook