CU Research Hootenanny Programme

All you need to know about the upcoming CU Research Hootenanny…

What is the CU Research Hootenanny and who should attend?

The Coventry University Research Hootenanny is a vibrant mix of activities to showcase research excellence at CU, to celebrate our researchers’ successes and to explore new ways to undertake and to share research – locally, nationally and internationally. It is intended for research active staff, Postgraduate Researchers and everyone who supports or has an interest in research at CU.

The Full Hootenanny Programme

Please click here to see the full list of workshops and activities taking place throughout the week

When is the Hootenanny taking place?

Monday 13 – Friday 17 January, 2020. You are able to create your own, personal itinerary from the programme of events taking place throughout the week.

Where is the Hootenanny taking place?

The venue for this event will be the Elm Bank Building, Coventry, CV1 2LQ. Please check the Hootenanny website or full programme (details below) for specific workshop venues and times.

What’s in it for staff?

Different teams from around the university will be facilitating workshops and activities at the Hootenanny to support the research taking place at CU. Themes covered by these workshops include:

  • Research Impact
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Research & Scholarly Publications
  • Academic Writing

Take a look at the full programme and sign up to a session: The Full Hootenanny Programme

What’s in it for PGRs?

There are many sessions that are aimed at PGRs and that support networking and community building at CU. We highly recommend for PGRs to attend the Research Hootenanny, not only to attend the informative workshop, but also to engage in networking opportunities. Sessions of interest to PGRs include: An Introduction to Research Impact, An Update from the PGR Wellbeing Initiative, PGR CV and Application Consultancy and the Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding. Additionally, the 2nd Women in Research Network event will be taking place this week and also an interactive panel session discussing Research and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. A full list of events can be found in the programme.

How do I sign up to a session?

The full programme of workshops and activities is now available. You can sign up to workshops through the links within the programme and on the Hootenanny website:

  1. The Full Hootenanny Programme
  2. The Official CU Research Hootenanny Website 

How do I stay up to date with what is going on throughout the week?

You can follow, and contribute to, all of the CU Hoot moments using #CUHoot20 and following the @CU_Hootenanny Twitter account 

If you have any further questions about the event, please contact 

The Official CU Research Hootenanny Website