Call for applications – Staff Doctorate Fund 2020

Deadline: 30 June 2020

The Doctoral College & Centre for Research Capability and Development are managing the Staff Doctorate Fund for 2020 (SDF2020) to support the University’s strategic objectives in academic capability and performance and to support members of staff who wish to undertake a doctoral degree at Coventry University.

The doctoral programmes supported by the SDF2020 call for applications are: the Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) and the PhD in Global Education. These doctoral programmes supported are structured and cohort based.

Who can apply?

SDF2020 is open to Coventry University Group professional services and academic staff:

  • who are making a new application to the doctoral programmes in the Fund and
  • who fulfill the Coventry University standard entry requirements for Research Degrees and any programme specific entry requirements and
  • who submit a complete, eligible application by the notified deadline.

What will be funded?

SDF2020 will cover tuition fees and up to one day a week to the staff member’s cost centre to cover back fill for one day a week. It is presumed that the staff area will cover a further day a week and for academic staff, it is assumed that this time is already allocated for scholarly activity.

SDF2020 will cover the cost of economy flights and accommodation of overseas staff who need to attend Coventry based sessions and modules that are mandatory to their programme.

Applicants should note that the SDF2020 funding is limited and offers of places will be prioritised based on academic scrutiny of the the calibre of the applicant and their suitability to undertake the doctoral programme.

What is the timeline?


To be considered for a September enrolment applications need to be submitted by 30 June 2020.  Enrolment is planned for September 2020 and is dependent on whether the number of accepted applicants constitutes a viable cohort.

PhD in Global Education

To be considered for a September enrolment applications need to be submitted by 30 June 2020.  Enrolment is planned for September 2020 and is dependent on whether the number of accepted applicants constitutes a viable cohort.

How do I find out more?


Read the the programme information, attend a briefing session (if possible) and then discuss your application with the Programme Director.

PhD in Global Education

Read the the programme information, attend a briefing session (if possible) and then discuss your application with the Programme Director.