Research Enriched Learning (REL) Studentship Opportunities

The Research Enriched Learning (REL) Strategy is integral to the 2030 Coventry University Research Strategy. The REL strategy aims to exploit the university’s world class research for the benefit of our students, inspiring a passion to learn to critically engage with ways of understanding real world and emerging global challenges through further study or employment.  We consider that REL has potential to encourage a greater number of students at all levels, and of increased diversity, to consider a research career.

Alongside gaining oversight and expanding on existing REL activities, and formalising systems for staff development and recognition for REL, the Doctoral College and Centre for Research Capability and Development are funding two PhD studentships to provide depth of analysis of the impact of the REL Strategy.

The studentships will focus on the two broad areas:

  1. Best Practice in REL
  2. REL benefits / impact.

Both are expected to take in a local and sector wide perspective.  This call is for cross research institutes to put forward a proposal in one of the two broad areas above.

Full scheme details and how to apply