EPSRC Ethnicity & Race Equality Initiative: Invitation to Provide Input

EPSRC Ethnicity & Race Equality Initiative: university strategic dialogue with EPSRC partner universities – invitation to provide input, part 1

With this dialogue we aim to gather insights and experiences of our university partners to help us better understand the factors that influence the inclusion of ethnic minority researchers and doctoral students in our portfolio and across the landscape, as well as explore the role of university policies and interventions to enhance our understanding of ‘what works’ and where EPSRC can further support and add value.

The dialogue will be in two parts:

·       Part 1: Information gathering stage

·       Part 2: Focused discussions informed by the information gathered in part 1.


Key actions and dates:


·       Part 1: Information gathering

If you wish to take part in this dialogue, please provide answers to the questions on the form below focusing on your experiences in the engineering and physical sciences disciplines and return by 14 April 2021 to Inclusionmatters@epsrc.ukri.org


·       Part 2: Focussed discussion meetings will follow in April – June 2021.




For further information about this initiative please contact:

Dr Paula Bailey – Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)



Learn More & Form: EPSRC Ethnicity and Race Equality_Strategic Dialogue Template