PGR Society Committee Launch

In the Autumn of 2019, the Doctoral College & Centre for Research Capability and Development put out a call to the PGR community requesting for expressions of interest to join the Coventry University PGR Society committee. In response to this call, two PGR Society committee meetings took place on  Wednesday 18th and 25th September 2019, at Elm Bank.

The launch meeting’s main aims were to:

  • Assign roles within the committee
  • Draft the aims and objectives of the society
  • Decide how the committee would like to move forward after registration
  • Register the society with the student union

The Doctoral College are happy to work closely with the PGR committee/ society to improve the experience of PGRs at Coventry University and we will support the society as much as we can (event/ advertisement support etc.) We would also like to involve the PGR society as much as they want in events and programmes that occur in the Doctoral College & Centre throughout the year to support PGRs.