Wolverhampton Impact Day 2021 “Engaging People”

On the 25th June 2021 we will be hosting our 2nd Wolverhampton Impact Day, aimed at helping researchers working in the West Midlands/Black Country region achieve more impactful research. This year we have the theme “Engaging People”, with sessions aimed at providing attendees with the knowledge on how to better approach and work with a variety of potential stakeholders, including policymakers, industry professionals, and local communities.

The event is free, online, and open to any staff and students from Higher Education Institutions. If you have any questions about the event, please contact the University of Wolverhampton Impact Team (impact@wlv.ac.uk). If you discuss the event on Twitter please follow and tag us (@wlvimpact).


Wolverhampton Impact Day 2021 Schedule


10-10.15am – Welcome and introductions (Ben Coleman & Silke Machold)

10.15-11am – Carol King (Black Country Living Museum) & Jenny Gilbert (Black Country Studies Centre) – “Heritage, University and Place”


11-11.30am- Stuart Anderson (MP for Wolverhampton South-West) – “A Conversation with Stuart Anderson MP”


11.30-11.45am – BREAK


11.45-12.30pm – Sati Purewal and Opinderjit Takhar (University of Wolverhampton) – “Engaging South Asian Communities in the Black Country”


12.30-1pm – LUNCH


1-1.30pm – Ainurul Rosli (Brunel University) – “The Practice of We: Balancing Rigour and Relevance for Impactful Research”


1.30-2pm – Abigail Taylor (University of Birmingham) – “City-REDI: Working with Businesses and Local and Regional Policymakers.”


2-2.05pm – Finish (Ben Coleman and Silke Machold)