Visualise Your Thesis Finalists Announced

VYT 2021: Winner & Runners up

Visualise Your Thesis (VYT) challenges PGRs at any stage of their candidature to present their projects in a 60-second, eye-catching, audio-visual digital display. Using a pre-supplied template, PGRs are tasked with developing a striking e-poster presentation that succinctly describes their research, and its potential benefits, to a non-specialist audience.

The Doctoral College & Centre would like to say congratulations to this year’s VYT winner and runners up and thank you to this year’s judging panel who had the unenviable task of making the decision.
We would also like to say thank you to all of the participants for the hard work and time that they dedicated to the competition and for sharing their thesis with the research community.

Watch the finalist’s videos and browse all of the VYT 2021 Participant Submissions

1st Place: Sara Lahlouhi 2nd Place: Jhonny Ismael Bautista Quispe 3rd Place: Emmanuel Luther
Centre for Arts, Memories and Communities. Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience. Centre For Fluid and Complex Systems
An Investigation of UK Architecture Students’ and Practitioners’ Writing: A Corpus Linguistics case study Portable hand-washing facility using bio-based materials for sustainable water treatment: increase pandemic preparedness Convective Instability In CO2 Storage