Research Café Feedback Survey – Your Views Sought 

The Library would welcome feedback in relationship to the ‘Research Café’ events which they have been running since October 2019 – initially in the Library, and since May 2020 online.

An online survey ( is available for the PGR community to provide their views in relation to these events. The information provided through the Survey will help inform the future direction of Research Cafés and other ways for the Library to engage with researchers.

The survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete and participation is entirely voluntary. The findings from the survey may be written up and disseminated in blog posts, external event presentations and other publication formats. The Survey, and the purpose behind it, has been through an Ethical Review process and the Survey itself is designed to be anonymous, so no individual identifying information will be used.

The survey is open to responses until 30/07/2021

If you should have any questions please get in touch with Thomas Jenkins ( from the Research & Scholarly Publications team.