Re3 Themed Week: Recap Reconnect Refresh

A chance for PGRs to Recap, Reconnect & Refresh

The Re3 Themed Week supports PGRs who have been through their Progress Review Panel and will be re-enrolling onto the next phase of their programme. Sessions available during this themed week will provide you with the tools and resources to move onwards and upwards to the next phase of your doctoral programme:

  • Reflect on motivations for engaging in doctoral research and ways of making progress
  • Identify and connect with members of the PGR community who are at the same stage in their doctoral programme as you
  • Plan your next steps

Sign up:

After the successful completion of your annual PRP, you will be invited to sign-up to the Re3 sessions directly in your post-PRP email from the PGR Lifecycle team. 

Please find more information about each webinar below. For the RECAP webinars, you must attend both part 1 & 2 to fully benefit from your experience.


Recap part 1: Reflection and Planning

This session aims to help PGRs to self-reflect on their motivations and reasons to carry out a doctoral degree. In addition, they will be encouraged to consider the best parts of their PhD journey and identify the challenges as well as the strategies they are using to overcome these challenges. Towards the end of the session PGRs will be introduced to ways of prioritising tasks which will help them to effectively plan their work in Part 2 of the workshop – Self-management and Action planning.

Recap part 2: Self-management and action planning

This session will introduce PGRs to different approaches to work to help them determine appropriate approaches for themselves. They will be encouraged to consider the learning from Part 1 of the workshop, feedback from their PRP and Vitae RDF to develop an action plan to progress towards the next stage of their PhD Journey. The specific objectives of the session are to help PGRs to –

  • Get oriented with managing time and tasks
  • Identify areas of development and activities to move forward with their doctoral study
  • Develop action plans incorporating development needs and PhD activities


Reconnect: Onwards and Upwards to phase 2 of your doctoral programme

This session is for PGRs transitioning from phase 1 to phase 2 of their programme
(Full time: year 1 to year 2, Part time: year 2 to year 3)
For some, completing a PhD can be a challenging and sometimes isolating experience. One of the ways to overcome this is to remain connected with other PhD students and to take advantage of the support services available to you.  The aim of this webinar is to:

  • Connect you with other members of the PGR community who are at the same stage of their PhD programme as you. Join us to celebrate your successes from the past year and discuss tips on overcoming the challenges
  • Reflect on ways to maintain a good PhD/life balance
  • We will also signpost you to the fantastic range of support services available for doctoral researchers

Reconnect: Finish & Complete to phase 3 of your doctoral programme

This session is for PGRs transitioning from phase 2 to phase 3 of their programme
(Full time: year 2 to year 3, Part time: year 4 to year 5)
Join this session to meet other later-stage doctoral researchers and be introduced to some of the writing techniques that are used in the Thesis Boot Camp programme. Here we will look at ways of getting the first draft of your thesis done as well as how to maintain a good PhD/ life in phase 3 of your programme. The aim of this webinar is to:

  • Connect you with other members of the PGR community who are at the same stage of their PhD programme as you. Join us to celebrate your successes from the past year and discuss tips on overcoming the challenges
  • Reflect on ways to maintain a good PhD/life balance
  • We will discuss how to prepare for phase 3 of your programme and you will receive a taster session of Thesis Boot Camp which is an intensive writing programme specifically designed with phase 3 doctoral researchers in mind to get the first draft of your thesis done!



Refresh: PhD Roadmap for phase 2

This session is for PGRs transitioning from phase 1 to phase 2 of their programme
(Full time: year 1 to year 2, Part time: year 2 to year 3)
The aim of this webinar is to support postgraduate researchers transitioning to phase 2 by explaining the requirements of the CU PhD programme framework, timescales and milestones.

Refresh: PhD Roadmap for phase 3

This session is for PGRs transitioning from phase 2 to phase 3 of their programme
(Full time: year 2 to year 3, Part time: year 4 to year 5)

The aim of this webinar is to support postgraduate researchers transitioning to phase 3 by explaining the requirements of the CU PhD programme framework, timescales and milestones.