PGR Conference: Call for Presentations

We are calling for presentations from Cov Uni PGRs at any stage of their programme.

Call for PGR Presentations now OPEN

Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 February, 23,59

We will notify you whether your presentation has been accepted by the week commencing 22nd February. 


The Coventry University Doctoral Capability and Development (DCAD) Conference is a great professional development opportunity as you practice  presenting at an online conference in a very supportive environment.

We are calling for presentations from postgraduate researchers in the following formats:

  • Poster
  • PechaKucha (20 seconds/20 slides + questions)
  • Traditional oral presentation (12 minutes + questions)

As part of the application you will be asked which of the Coventry University research themes your research aligns with:

Presenting at DCAD21: 

  1. Choose which presentation format you would like to present in
    Choose to present in one or multiple formats! Please read the Call for Presentations page for advice. You can also attend an Introducing DCAD webinar for further information about the conference and application process
  2. Submit your abstract!
    Don’t forget to use the Abstract Submission Checklist before submitting
  3. Attend the appropriate development workshops
  4. Once you have submitted your abstract, we will keep you updated about the event!