International Women’s Day #BreakTheBias

To mark International Women’s Day (IWD), we would like to create a twitter thread of inspirational women within Coventry University – and we’d like the research community to be involved. All we need is a sentence or two from you on this year’s theme of ‘Break the Bias’, plus a headshot picture of yourself.

An example would be: “I #BreakTheBias by calling out gendered actions or assumptions and being a role model for my students”

And then we’d just need your full title as you would like it displayed. Students/PGR’s, please add your area of study.

We ran a similar twitter thread last year and it proved to be really successful – you can see it here Coventry University on Twitter:

IWD is on March 8 so it would be great if we could hear back from you by February 25. Please send your submissions to:

Best wishes,

The R&I Team, Marketing and External Affairs