International Open Access Week, 25th-31st October 2021

To mark International Open Access Week the Research & Scholarly Publications team are running various events that staff and PGRs are welcome to get involved with:

“Game of Open Access” Board Game (On Campus, Lanchester Library)

Monday 25th October @ 10:30 and – 11:30 am (UK Time).

Come join ‘The Open Access Game’ on the ground floor in the library. There are 2 sessions to choose from: 10.30am and 11.30am

The “Game of Open Access” is a board game developed by staff from Computing & Library Services at the University of Huddersfield. The aim is to engage researchers with the key concepts and tools required to meet Open Access mandates. Through the use of playful learning, it aims to develop an understanding of the role of Open Access through the initial idea for an article to its acceptance for publication.

Please contact Karen Goodson, Research & Scholarly Publications team, if you should have any questions at:

To choose a session please sign up HERE

‘Paywall: The Business of Scholarship’ Documentary (Online Screening)

Tuesday 26th October @ 12 – 1:30 pm (UK Time).

Whether you are familiar with the politics and economics around open access, or are completely new to the subject, this should be an hour of your time well spent. PGRs and University staff are all welcome to attend.

The duration of the film is 1 hour 5 mins and the online screening will run alongside a chat forum where questions and discussions can take place during the film in relation to any of the issues which the film raises.

Sign up HERE

Special Research Café themed around Open Access and Open Science (Online format)

Wednesday 27th October, 12 – 2pm (UK time)

Our presenter line up features:

  • Dr Sarah Charles, Post-Doctoral Researcher at King’s College London
  • Tobias Steiner, Project Manager for the COPIM Project
  • Patrick Hart, editor and founder of the Open Access journal: ‘Journal of the Northern Renaissance’.

Audience members:- If you wish to attend as an audience member, register using the link below and you will then be provided with information on how to access the event nearer the time it is due to be held.

Join the Café HERE

Open Access Mystery Role Playing Game (Online format)

Friday 29 October, 2 – 3:30 pm

Originally developed by Katrine Sundsbø at the University of Essex, the Open Access Mystery sees each participant take on the role of one of eight characters who meet at a Conference – with each character having their own eccentricities, foibles and secrets…

During the conference disaster will strike, and it’s up to the players to figure out who’s behind what turns out to be a global lockdown of all research. Will it be the Professor who relies on the h-index? The early career researcher with imposter syndrome? The problem solver who works in publishing? Or perhaps it’s the paranoid researcher who thinks you’ve stolen her ideas? Pay attention, not all is as it seems…

Sign-up HERE to be part of the game

Please contact Thomas Jenkins, Open Access Officer in the Research & Scholarly Publications team, if you should have any questions at: or the Research & Scholarly Publications team can be contacted at: