Guest Speaker Sessions for PGRs

Shabira Papain – Introduction to Inclusive Research and Design


Guest speaker Shabira Papain, who works to tackle health inequity and injustice and advises government bodies how to build equitable programmes, will introduce students to approaches for inclusive research, how to design inclusive programmes and ensure underrepresented communities are brought into the conversation. Join the session on 24 May at 11am. Book now.


Join Shabira Papain’s guest lecture on 24 May at 11am: Shabira will introduce you to approaches for inclusive research for underrepresented communities. Book now.


Natalie Scarlett – Anti-Racism Project Manager, British Red Cross


Guest speaker Natalie Scarlett will speak about her mission in her role as Anti-Racism Project Manager at The British Red Cross (BRC), implementing anti-racism practices. You’ll also learn how Natalie founded BHSS in 2020, an advocacy service which supports the black community through crisis. Join Natalie’s session on 26 May at 1pm. Book now.


Join Natalie Scarlett’s guest lecture on 26 May at 1pm: Natalie Scarlett will speak about BHSS, a service she founded which supports the black community through crisis. Book now.


Supporting Refugee/Asylum Seeking Young People in Coventry


Supporting Refugee/Asylum Seeking Young People in Coventry: Guest speaker Obayed Hussain will speak about Positive Youth Foundation’s programme to support young refugees who are keen to integrate into society. Obayed will discuss how linking refugee/asylum seeking young people with young people within the host community can have a massive impact. Join Obayed’s session on 19 May at 1pm. Book now.


Guest speaker Obayed Hussain will speak about Positive Youth Foundation’s programme, which supports young refugees, keen to integrate into society. Join the session on 19 May at 1pm. Book now.


Youth Voice: How do we Make Sure Young People are Heard


Join Positive Youth Foundation, a local Coventry youth charity, in their guest lecture where they will share their knowledge of helping young people to get their messages heard. The session will give an overview of how the charity equips professionals and young people with toolkits to conduct youth consultations and run focus groups to break down barriers. Join the session on Tuesday 18 May 1-2pm. Book now.


Join Positive Youth Foundation, a local Coventry youth charity, in their guest lecture where they will share their knowledge of helping young people to get their messages heard. Join the session on Tuesday 18 May 1-2pm. Book now.


Disable the Label

Disable the Label: Grapevine, a Coventry charity, will be delivering an interactive workshop to discuss health inequalities, barriers to healthcare and other challenges that people with learning disabilities face.

Book your preferred time through Talent Connect:


Disable the Label: Charity Grapevine will be delivering an interactive workshop to discuss challenges that people with learning disabilities face. Book through Talent Connect: