Centre for Academic Writing Module: Reviewing Research Literature (7022CAW)

This is a masters-level standalone module that provides guided practice in the writing skills needed for high-quality literature reviewing, argumentation and conference presentations. Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers seeking to strengthen and systematise their approach to analysing and synthesising literature will benefit from this module. Staff undertaking Masters’ and Doctoral level research may also find the refresher valuable. Participants who complete the module will produce a draft conference paper.

The module will be taught using an Aula space for the materials and synchronous sessions via Zoom on Mondays between 11:00 – 13:00 on the following dates: 17 January 2022; 31 January 2022; 14 February 2022; 28 February 2022; 14 March 2022; and 28 March 2022

In addition to the core live sessions, each week there will be a discussion and study space meeting lasting for two hours. This will be held on Fridays of the same teaching week between 11:00-13:00.

Attendance on the module is limited to 20 participants so please fill in the attached Module Choice Form ensuring you correctly fill in all the relevant details, have it signed by your Director of Studies and email back to pgstudies.caw@coventry.ac.uk no later than 12noon Friday 7 January 2022.

Applications will be allocated on a first come basis. Please do not email to the PG Lifecycle Team as this will delay your application.  CAW will forward your Module Choice Form to the Lifecycle Team on your behalf. 

Target Audience:

PhD students – Coventry University campus;

MRes students – Coventry University campus

Module Choice Form:

7022CAW Module Choice Registration Form