Call for Peer Reviewers [CLOSED]

We are currently seeking early, middle and senior career researchers to join our Peer Review College. The Peer Review College (PRC) will provide robust and rigouress peer review for our internal investments schemes, with a focus currently on the Trailblazers Doctoral Studentship Scheme. Details of the schemes can be found here.

As members of the PRC you will receive training and development in effective and responsible peer review, learn about peer review and assessment processes, and gain experience of reviewing grant proposals as well as a detailed insight into our instututional funding schemes.

New members of the PRC will need to be available to undertake a review of applications to the Trailblazers Scheme between 7th-28th January, 2018. It is anticipated that members will review 2-4 proposals each.

New members are required to attend peer review training on the below date to participate in this round of reviews:

  • Wednesday 9th January 14.00-16.00

If you are interested in joing the peer review college, please complete this short application form.