Call for contributions for Black History Month 2021

Black History Month 2021:

‘Proud to be…’

Dear colleagues,

The 1st October marks the beginning of Black History Month celebrations, with the focus for 2021 being ‘Proud To Be’.

The Coventry University Marketing and External Affairs team are planning to celebrate Black History Month with a campaign that will feature across the university website, news and social media channels, spotlighting your contributions.

The Research and Innovation (R&I) team are inviting members of the research community, support staff and postgraduate researchers (PGRs) to share any relevant initiatives, events or publications they are working on, or have worked on, which celebrate Black heritage and culture as part of the ‘Proud To Be’ theme.

This could include:

  • Research that resonates or contributes to Black History or Black History Month
  • Relevant work, cultural and community projects or initiatives based in Coventry
  • Any expertise or knowledge that could be shared, or achievements that make you ‘Proud To Be’
  • Any other relevant work

If you would like to share any content with the R&I team, please complete the short proforma attached with a brief overview of content, and send to by Friday 17 September.

Please note that all communications will be reviewed in line with brand and privacy compliance, accessibility laws and university positioning.

Best wishes—

The R&I Team

Twitter: @CovUniResearch
LinkedIn: Coventry University

#BHMcovuni #ProudToBe #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistory #Arts #Culture #CovResearch

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