Becoming a Professional Researcher Themed Week

Themed Week: Monday 28 June – Friday 2 July 2021

This themed week is designed to guide you to becoming a professional, capable and independent researcher.

Sessions available in this themed week include Introduction to Research Data Management, Open Access, Introduction to Research Methods and many more. These sessions are designed and led by experts, including, subject librarians and data management specialists.

All PGRs are welcome to attend all the sessions but we have recommended that the Introduction To Research Data Management session is more suited to early-stage PGRs (within the first 6 months of study) and the Creating Data Management Plans session is more suited for PGRs who are  about to embark on data collection/storage etc. (i.e. late Stage phase 1/phase 2)

Session Title Date Start Sign-up Link
Career Planning & Development Monday 28 June 10am Sign-up HERE
Introduction To Research Data Management Tuesday 29 June 11am Sign-up HERE
Navigating copyright in your thesis and beyond Tuesday 29 June 14.00 Sign-up HERE
Getting Started with Research Wednesday 30 June 10am Sign-up HERE
With Open Access in mind: Academic publishing in the 21st century Wednesday 30 June 14.00 Sign-up HERE
Creating Data Management Plans Thursday 1 July 11.00 Sign-up HERE
Library Support for Research Skills Thursday 1 July 14.00 Sign-up HERE
Social media to Metrics: Developing your online presence   Friday 2 July 14.00 Sign-up HERE