Becoming a Professional Researcher Theme – Starts 1st November

Sessions available in this theme include Introduction to Research Data Management, Open Access, Introduction to Research Methods and many more.

We encourage you to attend as many of these sessions as you are able because they are designed and led by experts, including, subject librarians, health and safety advisors, ethics leads, and data management specialists.

Further information about individual sessions can be found by clicking the appropriate link below:

Session Title Date Start Sign-up Link
Career Planning & Development Monday 1st November 10:00 Sign-up HERE
Introduction To Research Data Management Tuesday 2nd November 11:00 Sign-up HERE
Navigating copyright in your thesis and beyond Tuesday 2nd November 14:00 Sign-up HERE
Getting Started with Research Wednesday 3rd November 10:00 Sign-up HERE
With Open Access in mind: Academic publishing in the 21st century Wednesday 3rd November 14:00 Sign-up HERE
Library Support for Research Skills Thursday 4th November 14:00 Sign-up HERE
Social media to Metrics: Developing your online presence   Friday 12th November* 14:00 Sign-up HERE

*although this session is being held a week later it is still part of the Becoming a Professional Researcher Theme that you shouldn’t miss!