Acting Intuitively Workshop, Wednesday 17 May, 14.00-17.00

ICC, Coventry University, Parkside CV1 2NE

Acting intuitively is a new somatic approach to acting which aims to develop your intuition as an embodied process and state. The method equips you to access and engage your feelings and emotions, and to feel empowered in your decision-making during training, rehearsals, and performances.

Performers of all disciplines who believe they would benefit from understanding more about their intuition are invited to share in this workshop. This workshop specifically is designed as an introduction to the method and as such, offers an inclusive approach to any performer working somatically, or hoping to work more somatically. Performers at all stages of training are encouraged to apply.

In this workshop you will:

  • Nurture an understanding of your intuition.
  • Broaden your capacity and ability for emotional engagement and connection in performances.
  • Work with imagination as an embodied process.
  • Expand on your capacity for awareness and attention.
  • Harness your presence.
  • Deepen the relationship between yourself and your shifting environment.
  • Learn to approach a script as its own world.
  • Strengthen your trust and discernment in yourself.

The workshop is free to attend and there is space for 20 participants. A light lunch and refreshments will be provided on the day. Transportation to and from the venue will be at the participants own expense. To secure a place for yourself, email Micia de Wet ( by no later than 29 April 2022 (23.59 GMT). In your e-mail, please include an expression of interest of 2-3 sentences. The expression of interest should include some information about your performance training background. You are also welcome to get in touch via this same email address if you have further questions about the workshop. 

About Micia

Micia de Wet is a PhD Researcher at Coventry University and works as a performing artist, theatre-maker, writer, and educator. Her somatic training method, Acting Intuitively, is the focus of her interdisciplinary Practice as Research PhD project. Her research has been published in Brain, Body, Cognition (2020), Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture (2021), and Theatre Research International (in-press). Originally from South Africa, Micia has held lecturing posts at both The University of Pretoria and The Tshwane University of Technology. She has been an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK) since 2021. Her theatre works have been performed across South Africa and abroad, and she has acted professionally on both stage and screen in commercial and independent projects since 2012. Micia specialised in acting, directing, physical theatre, and writing. Her research interests nestle between performances practices and cognitive science.