3 Years Sponsorship-Free Visa to Work In the UK Information Sessions

Did you know not all work visas require sponsorship from an employer? Did you know your family members can join you in the UK on your next visa?

Make plans to join the International Student Support Team in discovering more about the Graduate Visa (‘PSW’) or realising that business idea you’ve been incubating with a Start-up Visa and your own dedicated business consultant.

The 2-hour Information Sessions will focus on providing key visa information on the Graduate Visa (‘PSW’), Skilled Worker Visa, Government Authorised Exchange Visa and the Start-up Visa.

Join the International Student Support Team for an information session on the Graduate Visa (‘PSW’) and other visa choices after study on any one of the sessions below: 

Thursday 10 March 2022 1pm to 3pm UK time   Click here to join the meeting 

Tuesday 05 April 2022 10am to 12pm UK time   Click here to join the meeting 

You may want to send your questions in advance by completing a short form below:


You will also have the opportunity to AMA (Ask Me Anything) on the day, if preferred.