Thesis Boot Camp

Thesis Boot Camp November 2019 was a huge success. We set 13 PGRs the challenge to write a massive chunk of the first draft of their thesis and they rose to the occasion producing a whopping 103,690 words over 2.5 days!
Thesis Boot Camp ultimately provides you with the time, environment and inspiration to produce a large number of words for your thesis. The focus is on overcoming writers block and increasing your word count. Make a mess and clean it up afterwards! You will be asked to focus on the generative phase of writing, over an extended period of time, and encouraged to engage with the editing process after the event. This is because the more time spent on a particular phase of writing, the more efficient the writing process can be. 
TBC is an intensive and supportive writing programme for late-stage doctoral researchers. This two and a half day programme is highly structured and fully catered enabling you to make significant progress on the first draft of your thesis.   
During the Boot Camp you will get the opportunity to engage with short tutorials, 1:1 consultations and group discussions.
Although the workshop is intensive, there are also plenty of opportunities to speak to other like-minded PGRs and get involved in creative and well-being activities. We are here to support you and this is why TBC is fully catered, so you do not need to worry about anything other than writing. One of the best outcomes of TBC is meeting other PGRs who are experiencing the same challenges as you, it is a chance to meet new people and learn more about positive writing habits. 
Cover Photo by @Clair_Dempsey

Learn more about Thesis Boot Camp at CU RECAP and Sign up to an event!