Postgraduate Researcher Gratitude Wall 2021

Sharing the achievements of the Coventry University PGR community from 2021 and recognising the hard work of the support teams around them.

At the end of last year, the Doctoral College & Centre for Research Capability and Development launched the Postgraduate Researcher Gratitude Wall. Thank you to all of the PGRs who got involved and shared what they were grateful for in 2021 and what they were looking forward to in the year to come.


I am grateful for fellow PGRs and staff who are kind and friendly, and take time out of their own working day to make a first visit to Coventry and the Research Centre easier and more enjoyable. Thank you Gillian Wallace, Kelly Bogue and Abdulla Almheiri – it meant a lot!

I am looking forward to more time on campus and getting to know other PGRs better.

Jenny Ratcliffe, CTPSR


I’m grateful to Jennifer McNally and others at the Doctoral College for organising the weekly Productivity Days and quarterly Thesis Bootcamps. On these days I have a compelling reason to properly focus on my PhD and put other matters aside.

I’m looking forward to finally finishing my thesis and moving on to the next chapter of my career, which I hope will see my research continue.

Stephen Powley, CGFM


I’m grateful to Egle, for her continuous support and help she offered for me in my first year of PhD. I really appreciate it and will always be thankful to you.

I’m looking forward to start my second year, participate in conferences and publish articles.

Marwah Shnaiter, CGFM


I am grateful to my DoS, Dr. Eno Maycock for a wonderful first year of my PhD. She has been a great help, support and motivation throughout this year. I am proud to say that because of her commitment to responding to every email and question, I did not experience any challenges whatsoever and I’m more than ready to move to the 2nd year.

Looking forward to another amazing year in my PhD with my great DoS and the team.

Katerina Beta, CBiS


Terima Kasih (Thank you) to all my tutors in PSE, my supervisory team, and my CTPSR colleague..
I have learned much from you..

I am looking forward to passing my first PRP and doing my fieldwork

Ulya Fuhaidah, CTPSR


Thanks to all those that make the CTPSR what it is. I’ve recently joined and I already feel very welcomed and listened to. The supportive environment creates the space for sensitive, inspiring and impactful research.

I’m looking forward to more stimulating and supportive conversations, that leave me motivated that leave my head & body buzzing. Let us all make 2022 a year of trust, peace and working together!

Andrew Powell, CTPSR


Grateful for the support of, Riya, for being there during this journey so far. With her strength and strength, I have grown personally and academically. Thank you and God Bless you!!

I am looking forward to writing up my systematic review and getting into collecting the data for phase II and sifting through it and analysing it!!!

Ellen Calteau, CIH


I am grateful to the Doctoral College for putting on online events that helped combat the loneliness I and others faced during the lockdowns and when the offices were closed.

In 2022 I’m looking forward to seeing all the strands of my thesis come together into something cohesive and coherent.

Sophie Mowle, CSELS

I have been grateful to the staff of the Centre for Global Learning for their inclusive and supportive working ethos over the last year. The Centre admin team always respond really quickly, effectively and respectfully to enquiries. Academic staff are really inclusive and welcoming in the sessions they have facilitated from warm ‘Doctoral Discussion’ meetings to engaging, inclusive training sessions on topical education issues like Decolonisation. But I am especially grateful to my supervisory team Professor Katherine Wimpenny, Dr QueAnh Dang and Visiting Professor Jos Beelen who have been extremely generous with their time, knowledge and encouragement.

I am looking forward to finally starting some actual data collection and continuing to learn and grow through my PGR journey!

Mark Dawson, GLEA


BIG shout out to the C-DaRE PGR 2021 cohort. You have guided, supported, encouraged and congratulated me through my first year! You are incredible people, doing incredible research, and making the world a better place.

I am looking forward to making more connections within the PGR community and beyond, and generating research that focuses on social impact.

Jade Ward, C-DaRE


A big thank you to my supervisory team for the continuous support I had during 2021, the positive feedback and encouragement I received is commendable.

In 2022, I am looking forward to achieving my research goal of data collection.

Leema Philip Kuttiyil, GLEA


I would like to thank my team of supervisors and advisors and especially Alexeis Garcia Perez and Juan Cegarra Navarro for their support during my first year of PhD and the trust and support that give me the strength to persevere and feed my passion for my research project. I would also like to thank Tiphaine De Valon for sharing the good and not so good moments this year and for our collaborations.

I am looking forward to a new year with many opportunities to collaborate with all my team and to discover my co-tutelle university in Cartagena, Spain.

Laura Di Chiacchio, CBiS