Mindfulness for PGRs sessions in November

In November we are running four Mindfulness for PGRs sessions followed by a half-day silent retreat and digital detox in early December. These sessions will encourage self-compassion, a healthy work/life balance and prevention of burnout.

Each week will have a different theme – and they have been prepared as stand-alome sessions, so you can register on those you can/want to attend:

Week 1 – Intro to Mindfulness – Friday 8th November, 10 am – 12 noon

Week 2 – Stress Response – Friday 15th November, 10 am – 12 noon

Week 3 – Importance of Compassion – Friday 22nd November, 10 am – 12 noon

Week 4 – Recognising Bad Habits – Friday 29th November, 10 am – 12 noon

Half-day silent retreat – Switching off and tuning in – Sunday 8th December, 9.30 am – 12.30 pm

The sessions will be run by an accredited Breathworks mindfulness teacher: Clair Dempsey.

These sessions are suitable for those familiar with meditation as well as beginners.

You are encouraged to wear something warm and comfortable and bring your own yoga mat, blanket and pillow. Some mats, pillows and blankets will be available. These sessions are free of charge. Before the sessions begin you will be asked to complete a screening form to make sure that the sessions are right for you.

If you’d like to attend these sessions please register on the links to the dates above. There are 12 places available in each session.

If these sessions are well attended there will be more sessions running in the New Year. If you are unable to attend the sessions in November please email Clair to be added to a list for the New Year.