COP26: Tell us about your climate action

In the lead up to and throughout the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow from 31 October, we’re showcasing our clean growth ambitions and how people in our community are leading the way.

We’re calling for students and colleagues to get involved by sharing why they’re passionate about taking action against climate change, along with top tips and hopes for the future, for a range of internal, web and social content.

Your profile

We’re looking for around 100 words that we will then edit for use across our internal and external channels – we will share any edited content with you for approval before use. Please provide some brief responses to the questions below – just a couple of sentences on each is plenty.

Occupation/programme of study:

Profile questions:

  • Why are you passionate about taking action against climate change?


  • How are you taking action?
    Are you involved in campaigning? Have you made changes to be more sustainable? Anything big or small!


  • What changes do you hope to see come from COP26 to help address climate change?
    This could be in at the university, at home, or more generally in the world.


  • What advice would you give to anyone wanting to get more involved in climate action?



Please provide a photograph that can be used to accompany the article for our internal pages (Student Portal), for our website, and for use on social media. A landscape photo is preferable and the higher quality the image the better – if you want any advice on this, or formats, drop a line to

Please also complete the consent form,

FORM-Consent-FORM-Over 16 year olds

confirming you’re happy for us to use your image as detailed on this form.

For consent reasons – please do not share images featuring other people.