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Research Funding and Development (RFD) event – How to build impact into your grants from the beginning

Wednesday 15 Feb 2023 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm


Funders increasingly want evidence that the research that they support will result in tangible changes to understanding, behaviours or practices within society or the economy. How might your research offer solutions to real world challenges? Organised in collaboration with the Research Impact Team, this session will provide advice and practical examples regarding how to weave meaningful impact into a grant application. The session will examine ways to work with partners beyond academia to co-design and co-create impact, how to cost impact activity into a grant application, how to identify your ‘audiences’ and how to evaluate the changes that your research might effect. The session will also focus on how funders evaluate impact within grant applications.

This event is aimed at all researchers.

This event is in-person only.
Location: Kestral room, Elm Bank.

Outline of the session:

  1. Basics of impact planning (what it is and isn’t as well as terms of reference e.g. stakeholders/beneficiaries, outputs and outcomes)
  2. Practicalities of Impact in an application. 1. When starting an application, what do you need to think about the short term and what is your broader sustainable goal? 2. Who are you stakeholders/beneficiaries and what is a useful conversational goal with them? How do you manage your partners/network/collaborators? How do you build impact into your costings?
    1 minute elevator pitch feedback from attendees
  3. SIMBIO as a project exemplar. https://www.coventry.ac.uk/research/research-directories/current-projects/2020/simbio/ Give an outline of the project aims and objectives and ask the audience to determine what impact may have been achieved from the project.
  4. Q&A


How to register:

PLEASE NOTE: The registration for this event is now full. If you would like to be added to a waiting list, please email recap@coventry.ac.uk.

Contact details:

If you have any questions about this event, or other RFD events, please contact the Research Funding and Development team @ rfd.rs@coventry.ac.uk

For any queries regarding this event, please email RECAP@coventry.ac.uk ensuring that you include the name of this event in the subject line.


Tickets are not available as this event has passed.


Wednesday 15 Feb 2023
11:00 am - 12:30 pm