CU Supervisor Development Framework

From 1 August 2020

New Co-supervisor New Director of Studies Experienced supervisor, new to supervision at CU Experienced CU supervisor External supervisor, new to supervision at CU
C1 – Supervising Doctorates at Coventry University Mandatory


This should normally be completed within 12 months of enrolling a new PGR candidate



This should normally be completed prior to the enrolment of a new PGR candidate



This should normally be completed within 12 months of enrolling a new PGR candidate

Optional Recommended
C2 – Roles and responsibilities of supervisory teams Mandatory


This should normally be completed within 12 months of enrolling a new PGR candidate



This should normally be completed prior to the enrolment of a new PGR candidate

Optional Optional Optional
C3 -Building supporting and trusting relationships
Recommended Mandatory
(or evidence of equivalent development)This should normally be completed within 12 months of enrolling a new PGR candidate
Optional Optional Optional
C4 – Understanding and supporting diversity Recommended Mandatory
(or evidence of equivalent development)This should normally be completed within 12 months of enrolling a new PGR candidate
Optional Optional Optional
C5 – Supporting writing and critical thinking Recommended Mandatory
(or evidence of equivalent development)This should normally be completed within 12 months of enrolling a new PGR candidate
Optional Optional Optional
C6 – Monitoring progress for success Recommended Mandatory
(or evidence of equivalent development)This should normally be completed within 12 months of enrolling a new PGR candidate
Optional Optional Optional
OM2 -Chairing a Progress Review Panel Required before chairing a PRP N/A
OM1 – Chairing a Viva Required before chairing a viva N/A
The role of examiners Required before acting as internal examiner – has been included in C6 from July 2020 N/A
PGR Supervisor Updates
Recommended for all CU supervisors N/A
The UK Doctorate: understanding the UK system. Mandatory for all CU supervisors who did not do their doctorate in the UK or have not supervised in the UK N/A Optional
Mentoring: Supervisor Support and Challenge sets Recommended Recommended Optional Optional N/A
UKCGE Supervisor Recognition – briefing and application support Recommended Recommended N/A