Ten Days of Twitter #CU10DoT

About #CU10DoT

This challenge will help you to develop your professional network with Twitter. Twitter is a powerful way to:

  • make professional contacts in your field
  • promote your work
  • stay up to date with the latest information, opportunities, publications and resources
  • Ten Days of Twitter (or #CU10DoT) is an online course which, in 10 minutes a day over 10 days, will help you get started with tweeting and building up your professional network.

Have you ever wondered how Twitter works and how it might be relevant in a professional academic context, or experimented with Twitter but would like to explore further how it could help you professionally and learn a few extra tricks?

#CU10DoT will cover:

  • the basics – how to set up an account, follow people and send tweets
  • the conventions (@, #, RT, etc.)
  • etiquette and social conventions
  • the plethora of ‘apps’ or third party tools to add on
  • strategies for tweeting effectively and building a network

We will explore Twitter together, focusing very practically and specifically on what Twitter can offer a researcher in higher education. We will cover the basics and some more advanced tips on using Twitter in an academic context. During each of the Ten Days of Twitter a short article on a small aspect of Twitter will be posted on the #CU10DoT blog, to get you up and running and exploring what Twitter might offer you. You will be set a small task with instructions each day, which can be undertaken at any time. You will interact with each other on Twitter, so you can quickly build up your network of other tweeters on the programme and beyond!

For more information on this challenge, head to the #CU10DoT website.

Why not share your experience below.

Ten Days of Twitter was originally created by Helen Webster. The materials are available under a Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA. This version has been adapted from the version run at Liverpool University, to whom I am grateful, as well as the rest of the community who have contributed to the development of #10DoT.

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