UPDATED – Research Integrity Programme online

Epigeum has released a new version of the Research Integrity Programme!

This is now available for all CU staff and PGRs to use in the Moodle course ‘Research Ethics and Integrity’, here: https://cumoodle.coventry.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=53289   (Key to self-enrol: onlinerei)

This programme identifies the principles and responsibilities required of every researcher throughout the research process, from planning through to publication, providing practical advice on dealing with complex issues.

It incorporates the values and obligations of the Concordat to Support Research Integrity, alongside up-to-date examples, scenarios and case studies.

The content and learning design has been comprehensively rewritten and restructured to drive active learning, reflection, and engagement, integrating animations, polls, video interviews, and a range of activities.

This programme is suitable for researchers across five key disciplines: Arts & Humanities, Engineering, Natural Science, Social Science, and Biomedical Science.