RECAP’s First Thesis Boot Camp

On Tuesday 13th August we launched our first Thesis Boot Camp. Our aim was to provide CU postgraduate researchers in the later stages of their degree with an opportunity to produce a large number of words towards the first draft of their thesis. The focus was on overcoming writers block and increasing the word count by using generative writing techniques in a structured and supportive environment.

“The intensive writing periods really helped me focus, especially in an environment where everyone else was working towards a similar goal. I would never have written so many words in the office in 2 weeks, never mind 2 days!”

The almighty goal of 20,000 words was set for each PGR and all worked hard, either to reach this massive word count, determined to reach personal goals or just to get some dreaded chapters out of the way! During the 2.5 day programme, the recruits wrote a massive 125, 559 words in total.  We set 17 PGRs the challenge and they definitely rose to the occasion.

During the inspiring three days we witnessed laughing, extended periods of silent concentration, eureka moments, the sharing of well-being top tips and lots and lots of coffee and snacks consumed.

PGRs who attended the Boot Camp felt it gave them the incentive they needed to get their thesis written. It also immersed them in a supportive environment with PGRs in a similar situation which added to the motivation to get words onto paper. On day 2 we were also very lucky to have Eric Borg join us from the Centre of Academic Writing to facilitate 1:1 consultations with our PGRs to discuss thesis structure, organisation and writing challenges.

“Brilliantly supportive and an all-round excellent experience – I wish I was still going to be around to take part in the next one but hopefully I will have submitted by that stage – thank you for helping me reach this goal!”

There was a lot of enthusiasm for more dates and that is what we have done!

Future Thesis Boot Camp Dates

  • Monday 18th November – Wednesdays 20th November 2019 (Registration now closed)
  • Tuesday 18th February– Thursday 20th February 2020 (Registration will open in November)
  • Tuesday 2nd June– Thursday 4th June 2020

For more information about Thesis Boot Camp please read here: Thesis Boot Camp 2019/2020

Take a look at our Twitter moments to learn more.

Jennifer McNally, Assistant Lecturer (Research Capability & Development)