Research Residents Update

In spring this year, the Doctoral College announced three new initiatives around the themes of: ‘Wellbeing’, ’Inclusivity in Research’ and ‘Part-time and distance PGR experience’.

Each initiative will address factors that can impact postgraduate research students at Coventry University by identifying and tackling the issues around each theme. Each theme is supported by two or three PGRs Research Residents who will work towards achieving the aims and objectives, to improve the experience of PGRs at Coventry University, with the support of and in collaboration of the doctoral college staff.

We recognise that it’s important to communicate the progress of these initiatives. In the coming months, updates and meeting dates will be shared with the PGR community. It is hoped that these initiatives improve the experience of individual PGRs, create a more inclusive environment for research and establish a community and sense of belonging for PGRs.

Clair Dempsey, Research Resident, Wellbeing initiative