CU PGR Survival Guide: Call out for help

You are invited to create with us a thorough and supportive PGR environment.

In the spirit of peer support, let us share the knowledge we have accumulated across the 700 strong group of us.

We are aiming to create a comprehensive Survival Guide specifically for PGRs at Coventry University, and are looking for contributions in the form of your Helpful Hints and your Words of Wisdom.

It would be lovely to be able to share your images, poems, paragraphs and recommendations.

Examples of some of the things that we have thought of so far include practical advice such as the help accessed via the subject librarians, and supportive information regarding the existence of online communities such as the Coventry University PhD Community Facebook group.

Additionally if you have any questions that you may need answering, send them to us and we will include the answers to those in the guide.

Clair Dempsey and Lara Carballo, PGR Research Residents (Wellbeing)

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