2022 Webinar Series: Dr Who? Let’s talk about…

Dr Who? discussion meetings offer you the opportunity to meet with others in a similar situation to help, support, understand and encourage each other. Each webinar will focus around a different theme:

Dr Who? Let’s talk about…

·       Supervisory Teams, Tue 1st March @ 12.30 – 13.30

·       Being a Part-Time PGR, Mon 28th March @ 12.00 – 13.00

·       Being an International PGR, Thursday 5th May @ 12.00 – 13.00

·       Resilience, Mon 6th June @ 12.00 – 13.00

Doing a research degree is hard work. You need to stay motivated and are often working in isolation. We hope attending ‘Dr Who’ discussion meetings will help you to:

·       feel more confident and positive

·       keep a realistic perspective on your research degree

·       develop strategies to address any difficulties you are encountering

·       meet fellow postgraduate researchers who may continue to be sources of encouragement and support