PGR Gratitude Wall 2021

To mark the close of 2021, the Doctoral College & Centre for Research Capability and Development are launching the Postgraduate Researcher Gratitude Wall. The aim of the PGR Gratitude Wall is to share the achievements of the Coventry University PGR community and to recognise the hard work of the support teams around them.

Please add your posts by Thursday 23rd December. The gratitude wall will be published publicly on the RECAP website in the New Year.

·       Would you like to say thank you to a peer or colleague for supporting you in 2021?

·       Have you achieved a researcher development goal?

·       Would you like to recognise the hard work or achievement of a peer or colleague?

Take 5 minutes to add your post to the PGR Gratitude Wall.

Please add your message to the form which will be shared with the research community on the RECAP website and in the PGR and RECAP Staff newsletters in the new year. Your name and research centre will be displayed on the wall with your message.

Your message should be within 100 characters and be appropriate to share in a professional environment.