Call for contributions: Transdisciplinary Methodologies

Coventry University Research Hootenanny, 31st January to 4th February 2022

With the aim of highlighting and encouraging the crossing of disciplinary boundaries, we invite Researchers across Coventry University to share their transdisciplinary/ interdisciplinary methodologies during the 2022 CU Research Hootenanny Week. The Research Hootenanny is a vibrant mix of activities to showcase research excellence at CU, to celebrate our researchers’ successes and to explore new ways to undertake and to share research locally, nationally and internationally.

The increasing complexity of real world problems calls for more interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to research to create effective and sustainable solutions. In such endeavours, innovative use of disciplinary knowledge and methodologies create new knowledge and practical solutions. In this sense, exchange of knowledge, expertise and language are crucial for effective outcome in both inter and transdisciplinary research. With this Transdisciplinary Methodologies event, we aim to create a space to facilitate exchange of expertise and ideas for future collaboration, and creation of new areas of research. We are particularly focusing on methodologies pertaining to –

  1. Problem identification and Idea generation
  2. Research Methodologies
  3. Theory of change
  4. Evaluation methodologies
  5. Adopting and Appropriating theories
  6. Maximising impact

Each presentation will be 30 minutes in length, followed by 30 minutes of Q&A and discussion. If your current and future work is aligned to the areas stated above and you are interested in contributing to the event, please contact Dr Tanvir Ahmed (, Centre for Research Capability and Development.