The “YouTube” Challenge

This developmental challenge asks you to create a short video on YouTube or Vimeo that introduces your research. The idea of this exercise is not for you to become a world famous vlogger, but to think about your apporach to research communication and the potential audiences that could be reached through online engagement. And also to get a feeling for speaking to camera.

To help you think about your apporach, below are some links to some exemplary academic vloggers, online research videos, as well as examples of engaging presentations. Thereus also some guidance on creating your first YouTube video. 

This can be a video you make public or one you keep private. The content and format is entirely up to you. You could do it from your laptop using your web camera and a free movie package such as iMovie or Windows Movie Creator, or you could do something playful and creative using more specialised equipment. You can choose whether you upload this video to Vimeo or YouTube, or store it on Microsoft Video App (available through your Office365 account).

As an alternative, you may want to try the multimodal platform Microsoft Sway platform which is currently being rolled out as part of the move to Office 365. More details here:

If you want to share publically, feel free to share the link using the comments sections below.

Exmaples of academic online vlogs

Professor Michael Dougan assesses UK’s position following vote to leave the EU: 

Lawrence Davies: Continental Drift Promo: 

Ellie Mackin: Faith and Cognitive Dissonance: 

Janet Salmons on Qualitative Methods: 

Tara Brabazon: How to avoid a toxic workplace: 

Simon Clark: Infinitesimal, Consider Phlebas, Longitude, and What If? – Book Club #1: 

Further Advice and Guidance

Academic Vlogs: 5 tips to get you started: 

Ellie Mackin: Future of the Channel: 

YouTube Support: 

Microsoft Sway: 

Alex Dainis: I’m Starting a Science Vlog: 

Vimeo’s Video School: 

Vimeo Video 101: 

E-learning module on Video Editing (institutional login required):

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