Spring Library Research Drop Ins

The Research and Scholarly Publications team, along with the Academic Liaison Librarian team, are offering online ‘drop in’ sessions through March, April and May.


  • Friday 26th March, 10am-12pm
  • Friday 30th April, 10am-12pm
  • Friday 28th May, 10am-12pm

These sessions are designed to provide support to anyone undertaking research at the University, PGR students through to academic staff, who may have relevant questions about areas such as:

  • Use of Pure, the University’s Institutional Repository system
  • Open Access Requirements
  • Research Data Management, and how to write a Research Data Management Plan
  • Using Research Metrics
  • More general enquiries related to services offered within the library

To sign up for one of these sessions please complete the registration form. The more information you can provide about the nature of your query, the best we should be able to support you / direct you toward relevant sources of support. Once you have signed up we will allocate you a time to meet with us during the appropriate session and will send you a meeting link to join with us through either Teams or Zoom.

If you should have any questions in the meantime please contact us at: oa.lib@coventry.ac.uk.

The form which we ask people to register via is available here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=mqsYS2U3vkqsfA4NOYr9T-LDELiRSwdOjhmCYM4bPjhUNUtDUVFWV0k4NUJSSFBVWjU2TUdZSVJEWS4u.