9 February PGR Newsletter

Coventry University Doctoral College & Centre for Research Capability and Development

PGR Newsletter Tuesday 9th February

Download a copy of the PGR newsletter: PGR Newsletter 09 February 2021

New This WEEK

1.       Alternative Research Methods Symposium

2.       New Dates: PGR Productivity Days

3.      PGR Blog Post: The Mist descends

4.      Women in Research (WinR) Network

5.      RECAP Moodle Resource Hub: New resources added


Upcoming Online Workshops & Events

·       DCAD21: Abstract Submission Deadline 15 Feb!

·       February Research Café

·       Preparing for Thesis Submission

·       Social Media to Metrics: Developing your online presence

·       DCAD21: Development Opportunities

·      Preparing for your Progress Review Panel (PRP)


Other Activities & Resources

·       Essential Maintenance on AppsAnywhere

·       PGR information and resources

·       Specialist career consultation for PGRs