ITS Update: Upgrade to AppsAnywhere Portal

IT Services are looking to carry out essential maintenance on the AppsAnywhere Portal Service.  We will be carrying out this work on Wednesday the 10/02/21 from 17:00 to 18:00.  During this time it will not be possible to access the AppsAnywhere portal.  Those users who have already launched apps via AppsAnywhere will be able to continue using these or launch them via their CloudPaging Player.  This will have an effect for the following areas:


All of the Coventry University Group


The reason for this change is to ensure we upgrade to the latest version in order to guarantee we enhance the user experience using this service and also remain in support so that this system remains operational. 


If there is a change to this taking place ITS will update you with the details. We apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any issues, please let IT Services know via the IT Service Desk on 02477 657777 or the portal via the LogMyCall link – available here.