PGR Opportunity: Tackling the underrepresentation of UK domiciled Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Post Graduate Research students

Are you a UK domiciled Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic Post Graduate Research (PGR)? Would you like to be a part of changing the Higher Education PGR landscape and getting involved in a co-produced study working with a multidisciplinary team of academics from Coventry and Warwick University Then keep reading! 


Improving Access and Participation for UK domiciled BAME PGR Students: Why a need for research?

New data, published by the Office of Students (2020), continues an underrepresentation of Black, Asian and minority ethnic students in Post Graduate Research. Data shows that participation in PGR study at high-tariff universities and colleges (where most PGR study takes place) remains low; 17.1 per cent of PGR students in 2017-18 were from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, a rise of just 1.4 percentage points compared to participation levels in 2010-11.

The report views barriers and equality gaps at the undergraduate level as having a negative impact on Black, Asian and minority ethnic students’ progression to PGR study. For example, OfS data shows a difference of 22.1 percentage points between the proportion of white and Black students getting a 1st or 2:1 in 2017-18, while only 4.7 per cent of PGR students entering in the same year were Black.

An outcome is that The Office for Students (OfS) and Research England have launched a new £8 million funding competition to improve access to and participation in postgraduate research study (PGR) for Black, Asian and minority ethnic students

Working to remove barriers and improve the diversity of the UK’s Domiciled Post Graduate Research communities 

Coventry University in partnership with colleagues from Warwick University and Advance H.E are working together in response to this funding call. 

 We recognise the importance of working with a diverse group of PGR student (ethnicity, gender, caring responsibilities, postgraduate pathways) to help shape this work and for PGR students to embed their views and experiences at each stage of the research process. We are inviting you to get involved and work with us to co-produce a study that will make a difference through informing understanding of the barriers that lead to the underrepresentation of UK domiciled BAME PGR students but, more importantly, puts forward strategies to address these barriers too. 


What do you do if you are interested?

If you are interested or want further information, please contact Dr Geraldine Brown, The deadline is 26th November 2020 

 Look forward to working with you!