Support for PGRs: Mental Health and Wellbeing Zone

If you ever find yourself struggling with feelings of stress, low mood, anxiety, difficulties within relationships or any changes in your mood and emotions, we offer a confidential and safe space to speak. Here at the Mental Health and Wellbeing Zone we accept self referrals from both staff and PGR students, where we have two experienced Mental Health Coordinators with who will talk to you about your experiences. This assessment will take around 75 minutes, and at present this can take place face to face, remotely over Teams or by telephone. We do also have one evening appointment each Thursday, if you may struggle to attend during working hours.

Once we have gained a good understanding of the presenting problems, we will speak with you about you goals and make our recommendations regarding signposting options. This may include self help information, counselling, psychotherapy or further support within the university or from external sources This information will be in your action plan, which will be emailed to you following the assessment.

To access our service, you can find us on the student portal, where you will find the link to the Bristol Online Survery. This is a brief questionnaire, and once we receive this you will be contacted with an appointment slot.

If there is anything at all you feel you would like support with, please don’t hesitate to contact us to see of we can help in any way. You can find out more about the MHWB Zone on the Connections Matter page here, where there is a video explaining in more detail about what we do and to meet the team.

Please remember, it’s okay to not be okay’