The impact of well-being on the PhD Journey

Coventry University PGR Blog Post written by Leitrim Pearson

The aim of this blog post is to highlight the importance of maintaining a good PhD-life balance and positive well-being during your PhD journey. By discussing my own experience, I hope it will help other PGRs to reach out for support when they need it. 

My Story: The person behind the blog

Hi everyone! Before I begin, I have a confession to make. I love reading books about how psychology influences economic and financial behaviour. Interestingly, for me, there is an emerging trend I am trying to formulate that explores how mental health influences economic and financial decision-making through the sharing of experiences. This is what has encouraged me to share my experience with you. You might think this is strange. But I do it for one important reason: My lack of PhD-life balance at the beginning of my doctoral programme impacted upon my PhD journey. I soon realised that by balancing out my PhD life; I was able to embrace my own unique self (woohoo!).

I began my PhD journey in economics and decision-making at Coventry University in May 2019 and I was excited by the idea that I can contribute to knowledge. However, despite my newfound journey, I felt I was placing my work over my well-being. As I progressed in the subsequent months, my PhD-life balance had succumbed to being non-existent. Was this the PhD life? Was I supposed to feel like this?

How I maintain a positive PhD-life balance now 

At this stage, you are probably wondering how I improved my well-being. Well, the key for me was reaching out for help which has allowed me to have the PhD-life I have now.

Below I have listed some of ways that I maintain my PhD-life balance which I hope is useful to you:

  1. I use a journal called ‘MYnd Map My Journal’ (a mindfulness, gratitude, and goals planning journal) that helps me to maintain a work-life balance by incorporating mindfulness with cognitive science! By using the MYnd Map My Journal, it helps me to re-establish a work-life balance by bringing my attention to experiences occurring now.
  2. Speaking to someone (for me, my best friend where words could not do her justice) which helped me to discuss my thoughts and feelings in a safe space. Speaking to someone can increase your sense of belonging and purpose, boost happiness and improved self-confidence and self-worth.
  3. Working with colleagues and friends by building up meaningful relationships helped my social, physical and, psychological well-being that led to personal growth development. An example of how I did this was being honest with my supervisory team about my intellectual abilities – you owe it to yourself to be honest regardless of the relationship.
  4. The five ways to well-being helped me to maintain my PhD-life balance: Connect, be active, be present, continue learning and giving (New Economics Foundation, 2011). A useful example of how I implemented this into my own life is my use of the MYnd journal. This allowed me to start mindfulness activities that encouraged personal growth and development.

I hope this blog post has helped anyone who is struggling to maintain a PhD-life balance. It is important to remember that you are not alone and that there is support available.

Resources that have helped me: 

Written by Leitrim Pearson

Full-time PhD student from 2019-2022.

Faculty – FBL, Faculty Research Centre for Finance and Corporate Integrity

Author Bio

Leitrim Pearson is a second year PhD student of economics and decision-making in the centre for financial and corporate integrity at Coventry University Business School. His current thesis investigates the relationship between anxiety and linear public good payments. Prior to Coventry University, in the 2017-2018 academic period, Leitrim made a scientific breakthrough by applying psychiatric practice to consumer behavior which prompted his membership of the British Academy of Management (BAM). Additionally, Leitrim holds a 1st class bachelor’s degree with honours in marketing management and, a master’s degree in management, achieving distinction status with honours. To read more about Leitrim Pearson and his research interests, please visit

Image Credits

Cover image: computer-office-table-keyboard-2048983 / Goumbik/ CC0 1.0