Innovative Methods

Creative Research Methodologies – Thinking Outside the Box and Promoting Inclusion

Nikki Holliday, CU

Wednesday 17 January, 10.00-11.30,

Swan Room, Elm Bank Building

Creative research and data collections methods (e.g. co-creative methods including collage, drama, storytelling, prototyping, building with Lego®) offer participants multiple modalities in which to communicate and are thus more inclusive, provide rich data, and can help researchers to break down concepts which may be unfamiliar to the participant group (e.g. development of future technologies). This workshop will present emerging results from a systematic reviewing exploring the benefits and challenges of creative methodologies, as well as giving you an opportunity to get hands-on with some of the co-creative methods available, including Lego® SeriousPlay® and collage.

Register to attend Co-creation cube – thinking outside and on the box

Choosing Appropriate Research Methods
Alex Opoku, UCL

Thursday 18 January, 13.30-16.00

Swan Room, Elm Bank Building

The process of identifying a sound research methodology and suitable method of data collection technique can be challenging for most researchers. The workshop will explore the understanding of research philosophies, research approaches and choice of research methods. Using appropriate case studies, the session will discuss the available research methodologies and illustrate the process of choosing the most suitable research method. The session will be relevant to researchers at various stages of their career.

Register to attend Choosing Appropriate Research Methods