Global South Poster Showcase

Is your research focusing on the Global South?

The Doctoral College and Centre for Research Capability & Development invite all Coventry University researchers (PGR & Staff) who are researching the Global South to participate in a poster showcase as part of the Research Hootenanny 2023!

Why participate?

This poster showcase is an opportunity for you to display and communicate your research to an audience of staff and PGR at Coventry University. With a wide variety of people in attendance, it’s a great opportunity to collaborate and support each other.

The audience in attendance will be researchers across the University so an additional benefit will be learning how to communicate your research to a non-specific audience.

What do you need to do?

  • Submit a poster title & lay summary (max 200 words and no jargon please) no later than 19th December 2022 at 4pm. Submit your lay summary here.
  • Attend the optional in-person ‘Effective Poster Presentations’ workshop on Thursday 5th January 2023 10am – 1pm. This workshop is highly interactive and personalised to go through your poster content. Details will be sent to all who submit a lay summary by the above deadline.
  • Attend the optional in-person poster clinic drop in session on Friday 13th January 2023 12pm – 2pm. You can bring your poster along to the session and get feedback from ReCap or bring a laptop and work on your poster. Details will be sent to all who submit a lay summary by the above deadline.
  • Upload your completed poster no later than 4pm on Friday 20th January 2023. The submission link will be sent to those who submit a lay summary by the above deadline.
  • Attend the Global South Poster Showcase at the Research Hootenanny in-person on Thursday 2nd February 2023 2pm – 4pm. If you don’t submit a poster, you are still welcome to join us at the poster session!

What will ReCap do?

  • Be point of communication for all questions or queries related to this poster showcase
  • Offer in-person ‘Effective Poster Presentations’ workshop and drop-in clinics (see above)
  • Arrange for your poster to be printed (you can take it home after the session)
  • Display your poster at the Research Hootenanny
  • Provide refreshments during the poster session

Further information related to workshop sign up and poster submission will be sent to those who have submitted their poster title and lay summary by the deadline.

Please note that the Doctoral College and Centre for Research Capability & Development reserve the right to refuse entry of any poster to the Showcase.

If you have any questions related to the poster showcase or Hootenanny, please email who are organising this event.